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This set contains 5 different decks:

DECK 1) Spellings of Long a: (a, a_e, ai, ay)

DECK 2) Spellings of Long e (e, ee, ea, ie, y)

DECK 3) Spellings of Long i (i, i_e, igh, y)

DECK 4) Spellings of Long o (o, o_e, oa, ow)

DECK 5) Spellings of Long u (u, u_e, ue, ew) - the hardest deck!


These are the best games for long vowel spellings/ long vowel teams. Students (even adult students) love the look and feel of real playing cards as they learn to read words that contain LONG VOWEL spelling patterns in the English language.


This is Marnie Ginsberg's (Reading Simplified) favourite set of Crazy Cards! :)


These are THE best games for long vowel spellings / long vowel teams according a university in Carrboro, North Carolina. 


This Crazy Longs long vowel teams game is great for diverse learners (students with dyslexia, English language learners, ADHD, DLD, etc.) - just like all of the Crazy Cards games.


Each deck includes 52 word cards, 7 Wild Cards, and 4 Miss Your Turn cards.


$36.99CAD +tax/shipping (SAVE 20% when you buy all 3 Original Sets, or when you purchase "The Complete Set")


These long vowel teams games may also be purchased in printable format to make yourself.


Teachers and Families LOVE this game because:

  • there is ZERO planning required!
  • there is very little to explain - same instructions for all 25 decks
  • same instructions - no interruptions ;)
  • it is easy-to-play from Kindergarten to junior grades (and for any beginning or struggling reader)
  • children stay COMPLETELY engaged and on-task because they love making up the sentences after playing a card
  • children can play with family, friends, or peers (they have the most fun with making up crazy sentences, using their wild cards, using their miss your turn cards, and strategizing!)
  • these are the best games for long vowel spellings and long vowel teams
  • created and produced by an experienced Canadian teacher, dyslexia interventionist, and structured literacy coach


These are FUN card games played just like the popular card game Crazy 8's!


Give your students a fun way to get LOTS of practice reading words that contain long vowels!


These are easy, no planning and no preparation games for 1st grade literacy centers, 2nd grade literacy centers, 3rd grade literacy centers, and even for adult learning programs, for for students struggling in older grades.


These are the best games for long vowel teams - hands down!! 

The Original Crazy Longs

SKU: SR200
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